Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For my project I plan to do an analysis of Twitter.  Twitter has become one of the fastest channels that news is communicated through today. Previously the public had to wait for official reports to be released in newspapers and even online news sources however, now major events are "Tweeted" almost instantaneously by witnesses. With the public becoming increasingly more connected through the internet information is exchanged more freely but an increasing dependence is seen with users and the internet. In my analysis I will discuss the positive and negatives effects Twitter has on information exchange and peoples dependence on the internet as a news source.


  1. I still have yet to get the hang of twitter between the "following" and "hash-tagging". But I do know its a huge "fad" and is definitely a good source for news (or gossip). Looking forward to hearing more about it! I'm also interested if this is something that will outdate facebook one day.

  2. Twitter is really a sensation. People can tweet real time events instantly and before you know it everyone ends up knowing about it by retweeting. I remember reading in the newspaper about a shooting in Virginia Tech and everyone got to know about it through twitter and whether the students there were ok or not. This will be an interesting analysis of Twitter.

  3. I love twitter. Being able to hear about events happening in real time is awesome. I'm sure it'll die down eventually but for now it's a great way to follow up with what's happening in the media and news.

  4. Hey Vamsi,

    Twitter is my favorite social network, believe it or not. I love the short 140 character limit to tweets, and there is no better place to converge all topics of information into a timeline. And of course, my timeline is only what I want to see.

    If you're careful, twitter's trending topics can be a great source of breaking news. Of course, the trending topic algorithm is subject to abuse, with erroneous "Rest in Peace" topics for celebrities becoming short-lived trends. Overall though, I have learned of a great deal of real events because of twitter, rather than from a traditional news outlet.

  5. I do have a twitter account but do not use that often.Since I hear about twitter everywhere these day I might actually start using it.And also we have to use for the CIS class.

  6. It is funny that everyone around me uses Twitter and I have never use it. To me Twitter is just a "words" sharing platform. Unlike Twitter, Facebook is more entertaining because it allows you to share pictures, videos, and to play games with your friends.
