Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Social Networking

Social Networking has permanently changed the way people interact in the 21st century. People no longer need to speak over the phone or meet in person to communicate and express ideas. Sites like Facebook are primarily used to develop relationships between people through posts on each other's walls and share interests. While these may be the primary uses for these sites they are not confined to serving just these purposes. Many people nowadays learn about breaking news through posts on Facebook, people present at these events post statuses about them as they are happening. Businesses also use these sites to learn about potential employees who are applying for jobs at their company. As seen in an article On the Freakonomics website:

"Social networking sites are affecting the labor market as well, because recruiters evaluating young professionals applying for jobs are now hacking into applicant’s profiles, and making hiring decisions based on profile photos in which applicants are drunk or inappropriately dressed”.

They do this to learn more about the applicants and to determine whether they are a good fit for the position and company. Many companies also use social networking site as a means of advertising. Its common to see company pages that users can like and then get updates about sales or promotions.

There are many benefits that have come from social networking sites as well, primarily due to the way they connect such a large and diverse group of people and foster communication. Twitter played an important role in the revolution in Egypt. Twitter was used to organize meetings and used to communicate how to get past checkpoints. It also has been use to create help/support groups for teens. More specifically these sites have provided an outlet for gay teens contemplating suicide to find and communicate with others and realize that they are others in their situation. In this way the ability of these sites fostering communication has saved lives.

Up till now I've discussed the benefits and ways social networking sites connect people however, as with everything else there are disadvantages that comes with being connected all the time. A widespread addiction to these sites has been seen as they become more popular. Another con associated with with these sites is that a lot of personal information is revealed. Many people put up their phone numbers, where they work, where they live, and with the new "check in" feature people can let all their friends know where they are going by announcing it on Facebook when they arrive there.

A trend that I've noticed with these sites is that everything is getting increasingly integrated. I think this is an accurate prediction of what these sites will be like in the future. Instead of heading to Facebook to see what your friends are doing, then signing in to Twitter to follow your favorite celebrities, then watching a video on youtube, there will be one end all and be all social networking site that everyone uses. We can already see evidence of this as seen in an article by the New York times, Facebook recently tried to acquire Twitter.

"Facebook seems to be very interested in those features. Since last fall, when Facebook tried and failed to acquire Twitter, it has been slowly introducing features that mimic Twitter. Last week, Facebook added two new, Twitter-like features. Users can now “tag” friends or companies that they mention in status updates, and they can use a pared-down version of the site called Facebook Lite

Cited Readings:

1 comment:

  1. It true for what you post in your blog, I think the reason that many companies use the social network is determine who is the right candidate to take the position and the most obviously candidate is the one who is responsible for his or her actions. Not everything is wrong,
