Friday, April 27, 2012

The Next New Thing

I picture the next new media to be something that closes the distance between people and computers even further. With all these new media sites we have noticed that people are getting more and more connected to their computers and spending more time on them. I can imagine a product that allows people to be connected to the internet at all times. While today's cell phones do this for us I see the future being similar to Google's new product the "Google Glasses". These glasses allow you to take photos and also scan your environment and give you information about your surroundings like alerting you that a particular subway isnt working as you walk in and suggest an alternate route for you to take. They also alert you if you have received a new message on facebook or a new email.  Products like the Google Glasses are the next step in new media and I believe that there wont be many steps after this one before we start having computer chips implanted directly into our heads.


  1. The Google glasses is a really interesting step towards moving forward with our technology. Implanting chips into our brains, well that's a little.... creepy! That kind of reminds me of this article that discusses the implanting of GPS into children in Mexico.

  2. So far the Google's new glasses invention sound very good to people and many expectations have been arise in the market. So let's see how long the it would last, because since the people have been concerning their privacy in the last years and then people would have chips anywhere and everywhere. Really cool!!!!!!!

  3. You had me until the computer chips in our heads line! The Google Glasses idea is a great one though. I simply hope that we don't get too far down the slippery slope of technology and lose the ability to simply appreciate life and the environment around us for what it is.

  4. chips in our heads though!? That might be crossing the line lol

  5. That's interesting. I did not expect Google to come up with this innovation. However, I was wondering if these glasses apply to people that do not wear glasses. Wouldn't these glasses impair their vision? Maybe, they would actually implement this technology into contact lenses...
