Monday, April 9, 2012


While New Media fosters many advantageous things like the sharing of ideas and connecting people around the world there are some significant draw backs to it. Most notably is how privacy is being compromised in a different way with every new social media site or website that people use. An example of this is how recruiters from a company may look at the Facebook profile of someone who is applying for a job with them. Facebook is mainly used as a social site so the content may not always be professional and employers may find some compromising photos of this person applying from a night that they went out. Judging from this photo an employer my determine that this person is not a good fit for their company although they may have a very strong work ethic and that photo is from a day they had off. There have also been cases of people being denied purchases/jobs because these companies are able to determine their credit score from their I.P. address. Just to elaborate on the extent of how much a person's privacy is invaded is how ads of their recent searches on google come up on their Facebook profile. While this is labeled as "smart advertising" this is actually considered an invasion of privacy for many people. The internet has provided many wonderful things for people around the world but with each new advance it seems as though everyone's personal details become less and less personal.

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